A great story


Pulling into the Co-op parking lot after work to pick up dinner items my dad spotted a bloodhound. A bloodhound. One of the most beautiful of all breeds! We almost never see them around, and so I practically ran over as soon as he parked the car so I could pet it. It was a great bloodhound, all wrinkled and beautiful, with huge bloodhound feet, and as soon as I touched it I was immediately covered in a thick layer of slobber. It had long floppy ears, and a sweet droopy face, but that isn’t even the best part. After a minute the bloodhound began to bay, and his owner’s friend who was waiting outside with the dogs told us his owner plays the harmonica, and the dog (whose name is Argos by the way, like Odysseus’ dog) sings along. For those of you who don’t know my dad, he always has a harmonia on his person, and he proceeded to whip it out and play a little song, right there in front of the store, and darned if the bloodhound didn’t sing along! He had a loud mournful howl, so you know that he knew all about the blues, and it was just awesome. I’m furious with myself for not getting a video of it, because it brought me no end of joy.

I would love to have a bloodhound of my own, but everything about it would overwhelm me. They’re really amazing animals, but slobber control would be a full time job by itself. If I ever live on a farm or marry a search and rescue worker (or bounty hunter), I’ll be all over that, but it doesn’t seem likely. They’re so pretty though!

I melt.

About turntowardsthesun

I'm a 23 year old Smith College grad, living in Buffalo, NY, and trying to figure out my life. I love to cook, and craft, and work out, and this blog follows my adventures while I do all of those things and more. Enjoy!

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